We created MOLGENIS to accelerate scientific discovery and improve peoples lives. MOLGENIS promotes data, tool and best practice (re)use and helps you to implement Open Science and FAIR principles. MOLGENIS provides the following features:
Structured Data Management
Model, capture, and manage your data. Quickly upload data files, or enter data via user friendly forms. Refine your data model dynamically using MOLGENIS advanced 'object-relational' data definition format and the online metadata editor.Example: [https://hfgp.bbmri.nl/](https://1000ibd.org/)
FAIR data sharing
Make your data findable, interoperable, accessible, reusable (FAIR). We believe data sharing and re-use should be easy. MOLGENIS enables you to quickly create explorers for your data sets and variables to the outside world while preventing exposure of (sensitive) data values using the fine-grained permission system.Example: https://data-catalogue.molgeniscloud.org/ and http://www.palgaopenbaredatabank.nl
secure access
Easily control group, role and individual access. MOLGENIS data is organised following scientific practice. Data can be divided in research groups, within the groups you can assign roles such as 'data manager', 'data editor' and 'data user'. Authentication can be ensured by connecting you institute account via SURFconext (NL) and BBMRI/ELIXIR AAI (Europe) or using Google two-factor authentication. In addition we support DataSHIELD federated analysis. See MOLGENIS ArmadilloScripting & visualisation
Bioinformaticians can take full control in MOLGENIS. Add scripts in your favorite programming languages (e.g. R, javascript, python) and connect to the data using API's to add great analysis tools and views. Or even create complete html + javascript apps to make MOLGENIS completely your own.Harmonization and integration
Make your data interoperable. Combined analysis is much more powerful than running smaller analyses on each data set separately, but data integration is hard. MOLGENIS offers you multiple 'FAIRification' tools to find related data, codify your data contents and transforms different tables into one standardized table.Examples: http://biobankconnect.org and http://molgenis.org/sorta