MOLGENIS is open source and free to download, install and use. There are also hosting services if you don't want to install and maintain yourself.

You can freely copy and install MOLGENIS on your own machines (Licence: LGPLv3). See Releases for overview of versions. There are also organisations who can host MOLGENIS for you and provide data management support. And programmers can take MOLGENIS code and customize it. Each option is described below:

Hosting and support

Our team provide MOLGENIS hosting as a service. Please contact us for details and costs regarding tailored support:

Genomics Coordination Center (GCC)
University Medical Center Groningen

Install on server for multiple users and data persistence

If our hosting solution is not suitable and you want to host your own molgenis instance in your own cloud or on your own premise. Please take a look at our ansible galaxy repo where the setup and requirements are explained.

Install locally for single user testing with Docker (experimental)

For local testing purposes we provide a Docker image. Get Docker Images

For programmers

The complete source code of MOLGENIS is open source available at Github

You can find developer documentation as part of the Manual

We are always happy to hear about your experience with MOLGENIS and suggestions for improvement. Please, help us to improve MOLGENIS and send your feedback and ideas to our ‘product owner’: